Chicago Cubs

Rays Fire Sale, QB Cash & Olympic Outrage

July 29, 2024

In “The Bar” we take stock in the Rays Fire Sale as they stockpile talent throughout the farm system. We discuss the impact of Tua and Love’s new QB contracts and we wrap by looking the opening weekend of the Olympics for Team USA.

Tua’s Time, NFL Stadium Swindles & MLB’s Midway

June 27, 2024

In “The Bar” we discuss the Dolphins dilemma with Tua’s new contract and what their options are. We look at the latest NFL/City stadium restoration plans and why 25% of the league is about to be under construction and we we wrap by looking at the MLB season as we hit the halfway mark.

Buccaneers, Jaguars and Dolphins NFL Draft Dance

April 29, 2024

In “The Bar” we look at the impact of the Bucs, Jags and Dolphins Draft Classes. We take stock in the first month of the MLB Season and we discuss the final few weeks of the Gators Baseball Season.

Har-Baugh Out , CFB Playoff Plan & For Pete’s Sake

November 11, 2023

In “The Bar” we look at the B1G’s suspension of Jim Harbaugh and why it shows us that CFB needs a commissioner. We talk about the 5+7 CFB Playoff Proposal being floated and the one big flaw with it & we wrapped by discussing the Pete Alonso to the Cubs rumors and what it would take to get a trade done.

College World Series Wanderlust

June 23, 2022

When traditions clash with cash flow and revenue older generations of fans hit the fight button on their fight or flight ejection panel while younger generations ask what’s in it for me.  My generation (Gen X) says, As long as it doesn’t effect me or anyone I know personally, who cares?  I understand each groups…

Brady & Bruce, Coach K’s Final Four & MLB Patchwork

April 2, 2022

In “The Bar” we looked at the rumors that Tom Brady wanted Bruce Arians out as head coach of the Bucs. And if he did, so what? We took a final look at Coach K’s last Final Four and why it means more to the critics that he lose than to the Dukies that he wins. We wrapped by discussing MLB’s plan to allow ad patches on jerseys. We even offered our suggestions.