
Bucs Go Big, Manfred Muscle & Golden Ganked

March 11, 2025

In “The Bar” we discuss the Bucs big moves and what it means for the NFL Draft next month. We also talk Rob Manfred’s frustration with Stu Sternberg and the Rays Stadium issues and we wrap by looking at Todd Golden being denied SEC Coach of the Year Honors.

CFB Playoff Perfection, NFL Pitch and Coaching Call Sheet

January 4, 2024

In “The Bar” we tell you why this years CFB Playoff was near perfect and how the opt out concerns diminish drastically next season. We look at what the best case scenarios are for the NFL as we head into the post-season and we wrap by discussing how the six potential NFL Coaching vacancies could shake out.


June 10, 2022

On Friday June 10th the BIG 12 announced that BYU, Houston, Cincinnati, and UCF will be joining their ranks in 2023 thus creating a path for Texas and Oklahoma to join the SEC for the start of the 2023 season as well.   With the influx of cash and revenue that the Longhorns and Oklahoma SEC…