Minority Misfire, Steroid Stoppage & Olympic Outage

February 9, 2022

In “The Bar” we discuss the NFL’s Minority Head Coaching Misfires and how the Draft is the solution. We looked at Baseball’s decision to stop steroid testing and why it’s not a huge deal at this time. We also talked about American’s lack of interest in the Winter Olympics and why Team USA doesn’t matter to Americans anymore.

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Redefining Record Players

January 20, 2022

All Time Records are special.  Well, unless you are Tom Brady.  He handles more records than a mustached DJ in the late 1970s.   We will get to Tom’s Time Stamps later on in this article.    I have been fortunate in my lifetime to see almost every career record in sports broken.   Some more prominent than…

NFL Post-Season Predictions, Who’s Due in CFB & MLB’s Misfire

January 14, 2022

In the Bar we laid out our Post-Season Predictions and what hour Super Bowl Hierarchy looks like. Now that Georgia’s 41 year drought is over we explored the next three teams that are now due. We wrapped by looking at misfire that the MLB Owners and PA have when it comes to priorities.

CFB Crossroads, CFB Playoff Predictions & MLB Break-Up

December 3, 2021

In “The Bar” we looked at College Football as we are now at crossroads between coaches, big money and loyalty to players. We laid out our predictions for the CFB Playoff and why Notre Dame will find their way in. We wrapped by looking at the MLB lockout and some changes that have to take place.