Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Brady’s Back, Mike White Whistles Away and Bracket Bliss

March 14, 2022

In “The Bar” we discuss the return of Tom Brady to Tampa for one more season. It’s the best thing that could’ve happened to Kyle Trask and a nightmare for Aaron Rodgers. With Mike White leaving the Gators for Georgia we looked at why he is making the smart career move and what Scott Stricklin should do with his first two phone calls. We wrapped by looking at the Harp on Sports Bracket and why this year a coach from a Blue Blood will be winning another title.

Bucs in Luck, Stafford’s Syllabus & Baseball’s Brawl

February 17, 2022

In “The Bar” we looked at the Bucs potential pursuit of Russell Wilson and why they need to go all in. Matt Stafford’s career arc should be a strong example to all veterans in the NFL. Don’t Wait. We wrapped by examining the latest lockout back and forth with MLB and the Players Union and why the sport has started the necessary steps to build itself for the future.

Divisional Round Ramifications & OT Overboard

January 24, 2022

In “The Bar we looked back on the greatest Divisional Round in recent memory. Josh Allen elevated his stature in a loss and Aaron Rodgers, well, did not. The Overtime rules are front and center again. There is actually a simple solution for this. We wrapped by looking at why calling kickers “not real football players” is just bottom barrel rhetoric now.

NFL Legacy Weekend, Super Bowl Petition Black Hole & Rays & Rays Renewed Vows

January 21, 2022

In “The Bar” we examined the players that have the most to gain and most to lose in the NFL Divisional Round. Four of the Five are QBs. There is a petition circulating that is asking the NFL to move the Super Bowl from Sunday to Saturday. We told you why this is just a bad idea from a business stand point. Rays ownership was dealt a big blow when MLB nixed their dual city plan. We looked at what is next to baseball in the city of Tampa/St Pete.

Harp On Sports: The Bar logo

Redefining Record Players

January 20, 2022

All Time Records are special.  Well, unless you are Tom Brady.  He handles more records than a mustached DJ in the late 1970s.   We will get to Tom’s Time Stamps later on in this article.    I have been fortunate in my lifetime to see almost every career record in sports broken.   Some more prominent than…

NFL Post-Season Predictions, Who’s Due in CFB & MLB’s Misfire

January 14, 2022

In the Bar we laid out our Post-Season Predictions and what hour Super Bowl Hierarchy looks like. Now that Georgia’s 41 year drought is over we explored the next three teams that are now due. We wrapped by looking at misfire that the MLB Owners and PA have when it comes to priorities.

CFB Kingdom, The Last Brown Scout & Jags Bottomless Pit

January 2, 2022

In “The Bar” we discussed the CFB Playoff and how we now need to treat the SEC as a monopoly. It’s time to cut five scholarships per CFB Program. We looked at the Antonio Brown spectacle and why it more frightening than scary and we wrapped by looking at the Jaguars as the franchise hits rock bottom.

Jags Junk, NFL Numbers & Paul’s Pulse

December 20, 2021

In “The Bar” we looked at the Jags post-Urban Meyer and why only two players currently on the roster are worthy of building around. With the NFL regular season winding down we laid out the post-season possibilities and the the four players that can win MVP. We ended by looking at Jake Paul’s latest knockout and why the best thing for boxing is that he just keeps winning.