My Sports Weekend in NYC with Dad

December 23, 2021

Categories: Army, Navy, New York, The Sopranos


For as long as I can remember there are two or three sporting events my dad has always watched in awe. The biggest of which is the Army-Navy Game. The pomp and circumstance along with pageantry just makes it an emotional ride regardless of your camp. He has always said he wanted to go. For decades. So my sisters and I got together a two years ago and got him tickets for his birthday. Then Covid-19 hit. Which allowed us to have one of the greatest sports weekend a father and son can have.

My dad was my baseball coach growing up and was my high school baseball coach as well. We are a baseball family. Always have been always will be. One thing that we will always have in common is healthy respect for the past and history of the sport. Baseball still has two cathedrals left, Fenway Park and Wrigley Field. The rest can be viewed on old reels or in photographs. We both love history and sports history is just piece of Americana that is a dessert to the main entrée. I have for years have been fascinated with the Polo Grounds and Ebbets Field. From Willie Mays catch to “The Shot Heard Round the World” are two of the Top 10 moments in the sports history and the Polo Grounds were home to both. Ebbets Field was home to the color barrier being shattered by Jackie Robinson and home to one of the most unique ballparks & experiences the sport has ever seen. Being able to stand on both of these hallowed grounds was surreal.

I am a huge Sopranos Fan and my dad enjoys the show but it wasn’t appointment television like it was for my generation. It took my dad and me about 2 and a half hours to make the trek from the Soprano’s House to Pizzaland to Holsten’s for the final shot! We inhaled a Large Pepperoni at “The Land” and both dad and I took down a raspberry milkshake at Holsten’s! By the way… no bell on the door!

Ground Zero is an experience that is singular. From the reflective pools to the museum every American should experience the awe, sadness, power and healing that this place provides. We all know what happened that day but to be able to put faces and stories to that day and see relics and remnants uncovered from the debris and put on display takes your breath away and makes one pause. This is easily one of the most moving places I have been to along with Pearl Harbor.

Thank you New York and New Jersey. Signed Seth and Steve Harp. 2021

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