Matt Ryan

NFL Pre-Season Spotlight, Coach Cal’s Cause & Gamecock Stock

August 5, 2022

In “The Bar”, now that the NFL  Pre-Season has arrived, we look at what we consider to be the five most interesting QB situations as with the Panthers trinity being the most interesting.   We talked about Coach Calipari and Kentucky not wanting and avoiding a true home and home with Gonzaga and we wrapped by defending South Carolina’s decision to sell discounted football tickets at Costco.  

Golden Ticket, A Case for Cal & QB Brackets

March 18, 2022

In “The Bar” we told you why college programs that are successful do exactly what Florida did when they hired Todd Golden as Basketball Coach. We made a case why it’s not time to completely lose it over Kentucky and John Calipari’s loss to St. Peters. But he had better make a Sweet 16 one of the next two tournaments. We wrapped by ranking the NFL QB moves this off-season.